Comparison of pre- and post-treatment secondary outcome measures of participants in the groups

Variable Baseline P valuea Post treatment P valuea P valueb Cohen’s d
Flexion (°) GMI 104.33(91.16–112.5) 0.427 105.00(99.5–114.33) 0.200 0.021 0.47
Control 94.66(90.16–107.66) 102.33(90.50–109.66) 0.079 0.38
Extension (°) GMI 2.33(2.00–3.00) 0.168 1.00(1.00–1.83) 0.347 0.007 2.00
Control 4.00(1.00–6.83) 2.00(0.00–3.66) 0.018 0.79
Quadriceps femoris (force, kg) GMI 5.80(4.86–7.03) 0.627 6.83(5.73–7.96) 0.216 0.028 0.75
Control 6.40(4.50–8.26) 8.03(6.90–8.23) 0.109 0.76
TUG (sec) GMI 15.39(11.40–16.89) 0.310 11.05(9.44–13.11) 0.402 0.011 1.01
Control 17.60(12.33–21.22) 12.49(9.99–15.44) 0.028 0.74
iTUG (sec) GMI 6.07(3.94–7.89) 0.085 4.60(3.21–6.05) 0.085 0.008 0.81
Control 8.32(6.52–13.22) 5.30(4.41–9.07) 0.066 0.79
Mental chronometry (%) GMI 78.82(51.36–103.07) 0.233 80.16(74.18–107.27) 0.566 0.374 0.29
Control 50.56(26.30–84.29) 80.16(54.49–84.62) 0.314 0.37
MIQ-3 GMI 51.00(46.50–61.50) 0.331 64.00(63.00–72.50) 0.037 0.008 1.92
Control 47.00(41.50–54.00) 59.00(53.00–66.00) 0.008 1.49
Lateralization, Knee, affected
Recognition accuracy (%) GMI 60.00(45.00–70.00) 0.964 90.00(80.00–90.00) 0.015 0.007 1.95
Control 70.00(40.00–75.00) 60.00(55.00–80.00) 0.107 0.35
Response time (sec) GMI 2.60(2.50–3.60) 0.121 2.30(1.80–2.45) 0.199 0.008 1.39
Control 2.30(2.00–3.00) 2.60(2.05–4.15) 0.611 0.25
CSI-A GMI 44.00(31.50–46.00) 0.724 23.00(11.50–26.00) 0.894 0.008 1.80
Control 37.00(13.50–52.50) 23.00(6.00–28.50) 0.008 0.91
PCS GMI 30.00(19.00–34.00) 0.894 2.00(0.00–4.00) 0.039 0.008 2.83
Control 26.00(16.00–34.50) 13.00(2.00–19.00) 0.011 1.17
TKS GMI 41.00(35.50–42.50) 0.084 27.00(26.50–31.00) 0.009 0.008 2.11
Control 44.00(39.50–54.00) 35.00(30.50–39.50) 0.008 1.38

Values are presented as median (interquartile range).

GMI: graded motor imagery, TUG: Timed Up and Go Test, iTUG: imagined Timed Up and Go Test, MIQ-3: Movement Imagery Questionnaire-3, CSI-A: Central Sensitisation Inventory-A, PCS: Pain Catastrophizing Scale, TKS: Tampa Kinesiophobia Scale.

aMann–Whitney U-test, bWilcoxon signed-rank test. Significance was accepted as P < 0.05.

Korean J Pain 2023;36:369~381
© Korean J Pain