Pre-treatment value of pain, posture, joint ROM and NDI measurements of the groups

Parameters Group 1 (n = 15) Group 2 (n = 15) Group 3 (n = 15) P value
Age (yr) 38.73 (26–59) ± 12.3 42.27 (27–60) ± 10.64 42.07(26–59) ± 10.86 0.461
Female 10 (66.7) 8 (53.3) 9 (60.0) 0.762
Male 5 (33.3) 7 (46.7) 6 (40.0)
BMI (kg/m2) 23.4 (19.05–27.04) ± 2.4 24.35 (19.47–28.58) ± 2.66 24.76 (20.80–29.32) ± 2.72 0.284
Pain (VNPS) 6.40 (5–8) ± 1.056 6.80 (5–8) ± 1.01 6.67 (5–8) ± 0.97 0.562
Posture 76.33 (65–90) ± 6.93 76.00 (65–85) ± 5.07 74.00 (65–80) ± 5.07 0.496
ROM (degrees)
Flexion 40.67 (35–50) ± 4.60 39.73 (35–45) ± 3.36 39.73 (35–45) ± 3.49 0.874
Extension 45.00 (40–50) ± 3.46 42.27 (35–55) ± 5.67 42.33 (40–50) ± 2.94 0.072
R Lat. flexion 34.67 (30–45) ± 4.10 31.13 (27–35) ± 2.94 32.47 (27–37) ± 3.18 0.054
L Lat. flexion 35.33 (30–40) ± 3.59 32.00 (27–37) ± 3.29 33.13 (27–40) ± 3.70 0.081
R rotation 48.07 (40–55) ±4.54 45.07 (35–56) ± 5.16 45.13 (35–51) ± 4.74 0.135
L rotation 48.60 (38–55) ± 4.99 45.13 (37–56) ± 4.96 46.13 (37–52) ± 4.43 0.090
NDI 27.27 (16–34) ± 5.36 30.00 (23–34) ± 3.60 28.67 (23–34) ± 3.47 0.312

Values are presented as mean (min–max) ± standard deviation or number (%).

Min: minimum, Max: maximum, BMI: body mass index, VNPS: verbal numeric pain scale, ROM: range of motion, R: right, L: left, Lat: lateral, NDI: Neck Disability Index, Group 1: conventional treatment, Group 2: conventional treatment plus deep cervical flexor training, Group 3: conventional treatment plus stabilization of the neck and core region.

Korean J Pain 2023;36:242~252
© Korean J Pain