Results from functional connectivity analysis (Z score threshold > 3.96 and seed-level-corrected-FDR P < 0.05) and ROIs coordinates (x, y, and z)

Region Zmax p-unc p-FDR X Y Z
PAG 0.0049 0.1417 0 –32 –10
L_S1 –4.46 0.0001 0.0401 –50 –28 44
R_S1 0.94 0.4968 0.8475 48 –28 46
L_S2 1.74 0.1451 0.4002 –64 –26 18
R_S2 1.89 0.1139 0.4002 50 –26 16
L_M1 2.00 0.0948 0.4002 –32 –16 58
R_M1 1.71 0.1518 0.4002 34 –12 74
L_DLPFC 2.83 0.0256 0.2471 –39 29 26
R_DLPFC 0.21 0.9789 0.9789 42 35 26
L_MPFC 0.61 0.7406 0.9338 –12 60 –8
R_MPFC 0.71 0.6603 0.9244 22 58 –10
L_aIC 1.62 0.1750 0.4230 –32 16 6
L_pIC 1.02 0.4445 0.8475 –39 –15 1
R_aIC 3.26 0.0133 0.1933 32 16 6
R_pIC 0.54 0.7989 0.9510 39 –15 8
L_aACC 1.10 0.3910 0.8099 –2 14 30
R_aACC 2.09 0.0823 0.4002 2 12 32
L_VLTh 0.98 0.4701 0.8475 –13 –17 1
R_VLTh 1.83 0.1247 0.4002 14 –17 1
L_MDTh 0.66 0.7013 0.9244 –11 –22 3
R_MDTh 0.83 0.5726 0.9225 9 –19 3
L_Hippo 0.74 0.6427 0.9244 –22 –16 –20
R_Hippo 1.96 0.1020 0.4002 22 –20 –16
L_Amyg 0.51 0.8198 0.9510 –32 2 –16
R_Amyg 1.38 0.2570 0.5733 32 2 16
L_NA 0.68 0.6858 0.9244 –8 12 1
R_NA 0.22 0.9761 0.9789 11 11 1

ROI: region of interest, FDR: false discovery rate, PAG: periaqueductal gray, p-unc: uncorrected P value, L_: left, R_: right, S1: primary somatosensory cortex, S2: secondary somatosensory cortex, M1: primary motor cortex, DLPFC: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, MPFC: ventromedial prefrontal cortex, aIC: anterior insular cortex, pIC: posterior insular cortex, ACC: anterior cingulate cortex, VLTh: ventrolateral thalamus, MDTh: mediodorsal thalamus, Hippo: hippocampus, Amyg: amygdalae, NA: nucleus accumbens.

Korean J Pain 2023;36:113~127
© Korean J Pain