Comparison of the groups and intergroups in terms of volumetric measurements

Measurement Control group (n = 15) Study group (n = 15) BT AT
BT AT BT AT z P value z P value
Wrist circumference (cm) 21.66 ± 3.73 21.46 ± 3.52 19.88 ± 2.74 17.95 ± 2.79 1.494 0.147 3.025 0.005a
P value 0.189 0.001c
Forearm circumference (cm) 27.80 ± 3.72 27.60 ± 3.68 27.98 ± 3.99 24.64 ± 3.61 –0.132 0.896 2.218 0.035a
P value 0.189 0.001c
Elbow circumference (cm) 30.33 ± 4.20 30.20 ± 4.07 34.35 ± 4.86 30.16 ± 4.08 –2.422 0.022a 0.022 0.982
P value 0.334 0.001c
Arm circumference (cm) 33.63 ± 4.63 33.40 ± 4.27 37.06 ± 5.61 33.46 ± 4.46 –1.826 0.079 –0.042 0.967
P value 0.264 0.001c
Upper extremity circumference (mL) 224.26 ± 26.64 221.73 ± 26.90 338.66 ± 81.29 249.80 ± 43.08 –3.989 0.001b –1.941 0.045b
P value 0.655 0.001d

Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation.

BT: before treatment, AT: after treatment.

P < 0.05 is statistically significant, aIndependent sample t-test, bMann–Whitney U-test, cPaired t-test, dWilcoxon signed-rank test.

Korean J Pain 2022;35:280~290
© Korean J Pain