Subgroup analysis for assessment of application of GABAergic cell on hyperalgesia improvement in 11 experiments

Subgroup No. of experimenta Effect size Heterogeneity (P value) Meta-regression
SMD (95% CI) P value Coef. (95% CI) P value
Mice 2 0.29 (–9.24 to 9.81) 0.768 75.5% (0.043) Ref.
Rat 9 1.56 (0.32 to 2.78) 0.019 81.9% (< 0.001) 1.23 (–1.36, 3.82) 0.312
Origin of pain
Peripheral 10 0.97 (0.13 to 1.81) 0.028 65.4% (< 0.001) NA NA
Central 1 NA NA NA NA NA
Route of transplantation
Intraspinal 7 0.63 (0.08 to 1.17) 0.030 40.2% (0.137) Ref.
Intrathecal 4 3.08 (–0.38 to 6.55) 0.066 83.8% (< 0.001) 1.94 (0.17, 3.72) 0.035
Intracranial 0 NA NA NA NA NA
Cell source
Intrinsic GABAergicb 2 0.29 (–9.24 to 9.81) 0.768 75.5% (0.043) Ref.
Genetically modified 9 1.56 (0.32 to 2.78) 0.019 81.9% (< 0.001) 1.23 (–1.36, 3.82) 0.312
Stem cell derived 0 NA NA NA NA NA
Yes 4 3.33 (–0.38 to 6.55) 0.066 83.8% (< 0.001) Ref.
No 7 0.63 (0.08 to 1.17) 0.030 40.2% (0.137) –1.94 (–3.72, –0.17) 0.035
Yes 3 3.94 (–0.25 to 8.12) 0.056 59.5% (0.082) Ref.
No 8 0.64 (0.18 to 1.10) 0.013 33.0% (0.198) –2.97 (–4.57, –1.37) 0.002
Blinding of outcome assessor
Yes 9 1.50 (0.10 to 2.89) 0.039 86.8% (< 0.001) Ref.
No 2 0.99 (–1.14 to 3.11) 0.107 0.0% (0.588) –0.49 (–3.28, 2.31) 0.702
Type of graft
Allograft 7 0.63 (0.08 to 1.17) 0.030 40.2% (0.138) Ref.
Xenograft 4 3.08 (–0.38 to 6.55) 0.066 83.8% (< 0.001) 1.94 (0.17, 3.72) 0.035
Injury to transplant
0 to 7 days 7 0.63 (0.08 to 1.17) 0.030 40.2% (0.138) Ref.
8 days and over 4 3.08 (–0.38 to 6.55) 0.066 83.8% (< 0.001) 1.94 (0.17, 3.72) 0.035
No. of cell (cell/kg)
≤ 5 × 105 6 0.52 (–0.11 to 1.14) 0.087 35.7% (0.183) Ref.
5 × 105 to 1 × 106 5 2.54 (0.04 to 5.14) 0.048 87.6% (< 0.001) 1.62 (–0.12, 3.37) 0.065
Follow up duration
4 to 7 weeks 7 0.55 (0.03 to 1.06) 0.041 28.2% (0.246) Ref.
8 weeks and over 4 3.14 (–0.10 to 6.38) 0.054 82.9% (< 0.001) 2.00 (0.36, 3.63) 0.022

SMD: standardized mean difference, CI: confidence interval, Coef.: coefficient, NA: not applicable, Ref: reference category.

aSince, some included studies had more than one experiment, the number of experiments exceeded the number of studies. bGABAergic cells derived from the medial ganglionic eminence.

Korean J Pain 2022;35:43~58
© Korean J Pain