Quality control of included studies

Study Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Item 10
Bráz et al., 2012 [22] ?
Bráz et al., 2015 [23] ?
Eaton et al., 1999 [25] ? ?
Eaton et al., 2012 [24] ?
Etlin et al., 2016 [26] ? ?
Hwang et al., 2016 [16] ?
Jergova et al., 2012 [27] ? ?
Jergova et al., 2016 [15] ?
Juarez-Salinas et al., 2019 [28] ? ?
Kim et al., 2010 [29] ?
Manion et al., 2020 [32] ?
Mukhida et al., 2007 [30] ? ?
Vaysse et al., 2011 [31] ?

Item 1: sequence generation, Item 2: baseline characteristics, Item 3: allocation concealment, Item 4: random housing, Item 5: caregivers and/or investigators blinding, Item 6: random outcome assessment, Item 7: outcome assessor blinding, Item 8: incomplete outcome data, Item 9: selective outcome reporting, Item 10: other sources of bias, ✔: low risk of bias, ✘: high risk of bias, ?: unclear risk of bias.

Korean J Pain 2022;35:43~58 https://doi.org/10.3344/kjp.2022.35.1.43
© Korean J Pain