Characteristics of included studies

Study Sex/Species/Strain/Weight SCI/Treat (n) Model of injury Interval time injury to treat (day) Transplantation location GABAergic cell type Cell type Immunosuppressive/Antibiotic/Blindinga Transplantation
cell/Type graft
FU (day)
Bráz et al., 2012 [22] Male/Mice/C57BL6/J/6-8 week 13/10 SNI 7 Dorsal horn of lumbar spinal cord GABAergic MGE interneurons Intrinsic GABAergic cell No/No/Yes Intraspinal: 5 × 104 cell/Allograft 28
Bráz et al., 2015 [23] Male/Mice/C57BL6/J/8 weeks 5/5 Paclitaxel induce pain 7 Dorsal horn of lumbar spinal cord GABAergic MGE interneurons Intrinsic GABAergic cell No/No/Yes Intraspinal: 5 × 104 cell/Allograft 28
Eaton et al., 1999 [25] Female/Rat/Wistar/180 g 14/14 CCI 7 L1 33G10.17 Genetically modified cell No/No/No Intraspinal: 1 × 106 cell/Allograft 56
Eaton et al., 2012 [24] Female/Rat/NR/Adult 15/15 Streptozotocin induce neuropathic pain, CCI, excitotoxic spinal cord injury 14 Subarachnoid space of dorsal horn Viable hNT2.17 cells Genetically modified cell Yes/Yes/Yes Intrathecal: 1 × 106 cell/Xenograft 56
Etlin et al., 2016 [26] Male/Mice/C57BL6/J/6-8 weeks 10/10 SNI 3 Dorsal horn on one side of the spinal GABAergic interneurons from the mouse medial ganglionic eminence Intrinsic GABAergic cell No/No/Yes Intraspinal: 5 × 104 cell/Allograft 21
Hwang et al., 2016 [16] NR/Rat/SD/Adult 7/7 SCI contusion injury 21 Intrathecal injection mESC-NPCs Intrinsic GABAergic cell No/No/Yes Intrathecal: 1 × 106 cell/Allograft 56
Jergova et al., 2012 [27] Male/Rat/SD/140-160 g 10/10 CCI 7 L3-L4 GABAergic NPCs Genetically modified cell No/No/Yes Intraspinal: 3 × 105 cell/Allograft 35
Jergova et al., 2016 [15] Male/Rat/SD/140-160 g 6/6 CCI 7 L3-L4 GABAergic NPCs Genetically modified cell No/No/Yes Intraspinal: 5 × 105 cell/Allograft 35
Juarez-Salinas et al., 2019 [28] Male/Mice/C57BL6/J/6-8 weeks 7/9 Paclitaxel induce pain 7 Anterior cingulate cortex GABAergic interneurons from the mouse medial ganglionic eminence Intrinsic GABAergic cell No/No/Yes Intracranial; 5 × 104 cell; Allograft 30
Kim et al., 2010 [29] Male/Rat/SD/170-200 g 76/40 Hemisection injury 14 T13-L1 ESC-derived GABAergic cell Stem cell derived No/No/Yes Intraspinal: 5 × 105 cell/Xenograft 70
Manion et al., 2020 [32] Male/Mice/NOD prkdSCID/10 weeks 21/29 SNI 7 L1 ATCC-BXS0116 hiPSC Genetically modified cell No/Yes/Yes Intraspinal: 2 × 105 cell/Xenograft 63
Mukhida et al., 2007 [30] Female/Rat/Wistar/175-200 g 5/7 L5-L6 nerve ligation 10 L1 NPC-derived GABAergic cells Stem cell derived NR/NR/Yes Intraspinal: 2 × 105 cell/Xenograft 42
Vaysse et al., 2011 [31] Male/Rat/SD/225-250 g 8/8 CCI 14 Intrathecal injection hNT2.17 Genetically modified cell Yes/No/No Intrathecal: 1 × 106 cell/Xenograft 42

SCI: spinal cord injury, FU: follow up duration, NR: not reported, SD: Sprague–Dawley, SNI: spared nerve injury, CCI: chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve, MGE: medial ganglionic eminence, mESC-NPCs: mouse embryonic stem cell–derived neural precursor cells, NPC: neural progenitor cells, ESC: embryonic stem cells, hiPSC: human induced pluripotent stem cells.

aBlinding of outcome assessor.

Korean J Pain 2022;35:43~58
© Korean J Pain