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Fig. 1. Flow diagram illustrating the study protocol. Group S: sham-operated, Group D: control group treated with 70% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) after 7th day following spinal nerve ligation (SNL), Group SOG96: administered Sec-O-glucosylhamaudol (SOG) at 96 μg/day for 2 weeks using an osmotic pump after the 7th day following SNL, Group SOG192: administered SOG at 192 μg/day for 2 weeks using an osmotic pump after the 7th day following SNL, Group SOG192-N: administered SOG at 192 μg/day for 2 weeks using an osmotic pump after the 7th day following SNL and subjected to the naloxone challenge test.
Korean J Pain 2021;34:405~416
© Korean J Pain