Cited by CrossRef (33)
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- V.T. Lehman, R.C. Murphy, T.J. Kaufmann, F.E. Diehn, N.S. Murthy, J.T. Wald, K.R. Thielen, K.K. Amrami, J.M. Morris, T.P. Maus. Frequency of Discordance between Facet Joint Activity on Technetium Tc99m Methylene Diphosphonate SPECT/CT and Selection for Percutaneous Treatment at a Large Multispecialty Institution. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2014;35:609

- Manfred Greher, Bernhard Moriggl, Philip W.H. Peng, Cristina E. Minella, Michela Zacchino, Urs Eichenberger. Ultrasound-Guided Approach for L5 Dorsal Ramus Block and Fluoroscopic Evaluation in Unpreselected Cadavers. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2015;40:713

- Torsten Kuwert. Musculoskeletal Diseases 2017-2020. 2015.

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- Jonas M. Sokolof, Devi E. Nampiaparampil, Gary P. Chimes. Use of Medial Branch Blocks Before Radiofrequency Ablation for Lumbar Facet Joints. PM&R 2012;4:521

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- Min Cheol Chang. Minimally Invasive Spine Interventions. 2017.

- Min Cheol Chang, Eunjung Kong. Three Reasons for Collaboration Between Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and Nuclear Medicine Physicians. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2022

- Steven P. Cohen, Julie H. Y. Huang, Chad Brummett. Facet joint pain—advances in patient selection and treatment. Nat Rev Rheumatol 2013;9:101

- Torsten Kuwert. Skeletal SPECT/CT: a review. Clin Transl Imaging 2014;2:505

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- Ji Yong Park. Ultrasound Sonography at the Pain Clinic in Korea: Past, Present and Future. Korean J Pain 2013;26:1